According to Sumerian mythology, the Anunnaki created humans as a slave race to do their bidding. However, human were androgynous and sterile; they could not reproduce. The Anunnaki fought each other when one side changed humans so they could reproduce. In this way, the Anunnaki used less resources to create more humans because we would be able to procreate and make more slaves for the ancient ones. Humans' reproduction had gotten out of control.
Now, the Anunnaki, under the guise of the thirteen families who run the world, are trying to control man once again by utilizing chemicals through GMO's, chemtrails, synthesized diseases, etc. They are trying to reverse the reproduction process by making us, once again, androgynous and sterile. Pay attention around you. You see it everywhere.
first came across the name William Cooper during a podcast. The host
and guest were talking about conspiracies and Cooper's name was
mentioned, along with one of his books, Behold a Pale Horse.
I noted the author and the book on a piece of paper, like I normally
do when a subject pique's my interest. I found his book on later that night, purchased a Kindle Edition, and started
reading it right away. I am generally interested in conspiracy
theories and the esoteric, and when I dove into this particular book,
I was riveted to every word. He spoke with such conviction, I had
started highlighting a lot of what he had to say. And I would like
to share it with you here on this edition of Illustrangia.
Cooper starts with his background as an army soldier and then a naval
officer, who witnesses a UFO and is given an ultimatum to either keep
his mouth shut or be discharged from the military. Later, his
research led to what the government has been planning since day one.
The power elite set in motion a future that is “laid out for us,”
he says, “and may be just about impossible to change.” Cooper,
in his most prophetic voice, says, “To cling to the past is
guaranteed suicide. To remain apathetic (showing to interest) is
assured enslavement. To learn the truth and then act upon it is the
only means of survival at this moment.”
a Naval Intelligence officer, Cooper learned that “the Office of
Naval Intelligence had participated in the assassination of President
John F. Kennedy and that it was the Secret Service agent driving the
limo that had shot Kennedy in the head.” On that day, Cooper went
AWOL with no intentions of returning, but his friend convinced him on
going back.
of Cooper's discoveries is the use of the “Silent Weapon,” which
when “applied gradually,” Cooper states, “ the public
adjusts/adapts to its pressure (psychological vs. economics) becomes
too great and they crack up. Today's silent weapons technology is an
outgrowth of a simple idea discovered, succinctly expressed, and
effectively applied by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743 – 1812) when
he said, 'Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not
who makes its laws.' What Mr. Rothschild had discovered was the
basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as
applied to economics. That principle is 'when you assume the
appearance of power, people soon give it to you'.” Cooper goes on
to say, “The social welfare program is nothing more than an
open-ended credit balance system which creates a false capital
industry to give nonproductive people a roof over their heads and
food in their stomachs. This can be useful, however, because
recipients become state property in return for the 'gift', a standing
army for the elite. For he who pays the piper picks the tune. Those
who get hooked on the economic drug, must go to the elite for a fix.”
primary strategy in using a silent weapon is diversion. Get
everyone's mind off of the events of the world, make them interested
in insignificant things, and the power elite can easily control the
population. “Experience has proven,” Cooper says, “that the
simplest method of securing a silent weapon and gaining control of
the public is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of basic
system principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused,
disorganized, and distracted with Matters of no real importance on
the other hand.”
goes on to describe steps on achieving their goals with a silent
weapon. “This is achieved by:
disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities;
providing a low-quality program of public education in mathematics,
logic, systems design and economic [Common Core?]; and discouraging
technical creativity.
engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their
indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by
unrelenting emotional affrontations and attack (mental and emotional
rape) by way of a constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the
media – especially the T.V. and the newspapers [and now the
Internet], and
giving them what they desire – in excess – “junk food for
thought” – and depriving them of what they really need.
Rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant
creation, thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs
to highly fabricated outside priorities.
preclude their interest,” Cooper continues, “in and discovery of
the silent weapons of social automation technology ['sheeple']. The
general rule is that there is profit in confusion; the more
confusion, the more profit. Therefore, the best approach is to
create problems and then offer the solutions [recent killings of
youths that incite riots and military-like police force].”
of the methods of diversion may be through the media. “Keep the
adult public attention diverted away,” Cooper says, “from the
real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance
[The Kardashians and Duck Dynasty]. Schools: keep the young public
ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real
history. Entertainment: keep the public entertained below a
sixth-grade level. And work: keep the public busy, busy, busy with
no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.”
the power elite, we humans are just cogs in a machine that they can
manipulate and control for their own needs. “Human beings are
machines,” says Cooper, “levers which may be grasped and turned,
and there is little real difference between automating a society and
automating a shoe factory.”
power elite have always found ways to control the population
especially through the organization of groups that get together, like
the Bilderbergs, to decide the fate of the world. One of these
groups is simply known as the Order, and they are “determined to
win for themselves undisputed control of the wealth,” Cooper
explains, “natural resources, and manpower of the entire planet.
They intend to turn the world into their conception of a Luciferian
totalitarian socialist state. In the process they will eliminate all
Christians, Jews, and atheists [by manipulating groups like the
Nazis, or ISIS].” To become a member of the Order, “Initiates
took an oath that absolved them of all allegiance,” Cooper
continues, “except to the Order and stated, 'I bind myself to
perpetual silence and unshaken loyalty and submission to the Order .
. . All humanity which cannot identify itself by our secret sign is
our lawful prey.' The oath remains essentially the same to this
day.” If you do not belong to the Order, or any group deemed to be
intrinsic to the plans of the power elite, you are doomed to a life
of servitude . . . or die.
Adam Weishaupt. He was a professor of canon law at Ingolstadt
University of Germany, and a Jesuit priest, who founded the branch of
the Order in Germany in 1776. He was also an initiate of the
Illuminati. Weishaupt was quoted as saying, “The great strength of
our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in its own
name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation.”
order to keep anything a secret, you need to tell a lie about it, or
create false information to distract from what the secret is
intended. “The Freemasons have always contained,” says Cooper,
“the Illuminati within their ranks [. . .].” According to
Cooper, “It was the Freemasons who perpetuated the myth of Adam
Weishaupt being the found of the Illuminati and that the Illuminati
was destroyed, never to surface again. In 1826, an American
Freemason wrote a book revealing Masonic secrets entitled
Illustrations of Freemasonry. One of the secrets that he
revealed is that the last mystery at the top of the Masonic pyramid
is the worship of Lucifer.”
of the organizations believed to keep members of the Illuminati is
the Council on Foreign Relations, an off-shoot to the British Royal
Institute of International Affairs. “The Council on Foreign
Relations,” Cooper says, “controls our government. Through the
years its members have infiltrated the entire executive branch, State
Department, Justice Department, CIA, and the top ranks of the
military. Every director of the Central Intelligence Agency has been
a member of the CFR. Most of the presidents since Roosevelt have
been members.” Think about this . . . a private organization like
the CFR is running our government and a private bank like the Federal
Reserve is handling our money. Just who IS running this country?
in 1952, the most powerful secret organization in the world was
formed, the Bilderberg Group. “Prince Bernhard [of the
Netherlands],” Coopers explains, “with the help of the CIA,
brought the hidden body of the Illuminati into public knowledge as
the Bilderberg Group. This is the official alliance that makes up
the world governing body. The core of the organization is three
committees make up of thirteen members each,” for a total of 39
members. “You know that the original number of states,” says
Cooper, “in the United States of America was 13. The Constitution
has 7 Articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional
Convention. The headquarters of the international conspiracy is in
Geneva, Switzerland. The ruling body is made up of three committees
consisting of thirteen members each, and all three together comprise
the 39 members of the executive committee of the body known as the
Bilderberg Group. The most important and powerful of the three
committees is the Policy Committee. (It is more than interesting to
note that the United States had thirteen original colonies and that
39 delegates from those colonies signed the Constitution after it was
written and adopted in the first Constitutional Convention.” Not
to mention that there are three branches of the government, just as
there are three committees of the Bilderberg Group. Here, William
Cooper brings numbers into the equation (not pun intended) comparing
events from the past and making connections. Of course, most would
say that they are just coincidences, but I believe there are no
coincidences. Everything happens for a reason.
the Bilderberg Group starts to dictate world policy, procedures are
set in place to further control the public and declare martial law.
“Don Bell (who writes a weekly report) reported on July 25, 1975,”
says Cooper, “that in May of 1975, the 303 Civil Affairs group of
the U.S. Army Reserves in Kearny, New Jersey, conducted an exercise
to sharpen plans for a military takeover of the state government in
New Jersey. According to Colonel Frances Clark, they had conducted
similar studies on how to seize municipal and county governments over
the past few years. But this was the first time they has studied
State government. Such units were trained during World War II to
operate captured governments in the foreign. We never had federal
troops training to take over governments in the United States. When
local violence or catastrophe struck, the National Guard – under
command of the governor – went into action.” There are training
exercises happening right now in California and Florida, with plans
in July for Texas and Utah as if those states were “hostile
territories.” Do a search on “Jade Helm” if you don't believe
the power elite can enforce martial law and activate their standing
army in the welfare-stricken populous, they have to determine which
groups are the biggest threat. The Army surveillance lists these
“groups of U.S. citizens,” states Cooper, “considered to be the
biggest enemy of the United States, by the federal government, at
this time, is the conservative patriot, and those who assert the
Constitution and individual rights.”
the power elite does when manipulating government, and hence the
general public, is all about population control. “Studies were
done to determine a method to arrest the population explosion before
the point of no return would be reached,” says Cooper. “It was
determined that an immediate attack on the problem would involve two
points of intervention. The first was to lower the birth rate [GMOs,
chemtrails, and sterilization] and the second was to increase the
death rate [cancer, Ebola, riots, and war]. All intellectuals,
rulers, and governing bodies agree that population is the biggest
threat to civilization that we know of today. It does not matter
what you believe. If they believe it, you will be affected because
they have the power.” If you think what Cooper is saying is crazy
and a lie, do a search on the Georgia Guide Stones. They do not tell
a lie, and it is not for the feint of heart. “It was decided by
the elite,” Cooper continues, “that since the population must be
reduced and controlled, it would be in the best interest of the human
race to rid ourselves of the undesirable elements of our society.
Specific targeted populations included [but not exclusive to] blacks,
Hispanics, and homosexuals.”
National Security Agency, created by President Truman in 1952 – the
same year the Bilderberg Group was formed – was to “monitor all
communications and emissions from any and all electronic devices
worldwide for the purposes of gathering intelligence.” What they
don't tell us, and Cooper does, is that “by executive order of the
President, the NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically
name the NSA in the text of the law as being subject to that law.”
They are above the law. Cooper further explains, “That means that
if the agency is not spelled out in the text of any and every law
passed by the Congress it is not subject to that or those laws. The
NSA now performs many other duties and in fact is the premier agency
within the intelligence network.”
Space Program was not without its secrecies. “On May 22, 1962,”
according to Cooper, “a space probe landed on Mars and confirmed
the existence of an environment which could support life. Not long
afterward the construction of a colony on the planet Mars began in
earnest. Today I believe,” he continues, “a colony exists on
Mars populated by specifically selected people from different
cultures and occupations taken from all of the Earth. A public
charade of antagonism between the Soviet Union and the United States
has been manipulated over all these years in order to fund projects
in the name of national defense when in fact we are the closest
some point,” says Cooper, “President Kennedy discovered portions
of the truth concerning the drugs [produced and sold by the CIA] and
the aliens [cooperating with world governments]. He issued an
ultimatum in 1963 to Majesty Twelve [another secret organization
headed by Nelson Rockefeller, also part of the CFR]. President
Kennedy assured them that if they did not clean up the drug problem,
he would. He informed Majesty Twelve that he intended to reveal the
presence of aliens to the American people within the following year,
and ordered a plan developed to implement his decision.” One
should note that President Kennedy was NOT a part of the Council on
Foreign Relations, thus not part of the power elite's secret society.
Remember, if you do not belong to the Order, or any group deemed to
be intrinsic to the plans of the power elite, you are doomed to a
life of servitude . . . or die. Soon after, “President John F.
Kennedy was murdered by the Secret Service agent who drove his car in
the motorcade,” explains Cooper, “and the act is plainly visible
in the Zapruder film. Watch the driver and not Kennedy when you view
the film. All of the witnesses who were close enough to the car to
see William Greer shoot Kennedy were themselves all murdered within
two years of the event.”
Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Freemasons,
and others part of the Illuminati are all involved in cover-ups,
secrecy, and disinformation with intents to control the population.
Another way to use the silent weapon is the “UFO conspiracy.”
Cooper explains, “The government is not ever going to allow any
person or any group of persons to uncover the most highly classified
secret in the world – if they can help it. They will always have
agents controlling UFO groups, publications, and information. If
aliens are not real and the hole thing turns out to be the greatest
hoax ever perpetrated, just who do you think did the perpetrating?”
Imagine if all sightings of unidentified flying objects were some
sort of disinformation created by the power elite. Could they be
using it as a distraction, keeping the minds of the public off of the
elite's true agenda?
most important information that you need,” Cooper says, “to
determine your future actions is that this New World Order calls for
the destruction of the sovereignty of nations, including the United
States. The New World Order cannot, and will not, allow our
Constitution to continue to exist. The New World Order will be a
totalitarian socialist system. We will be slaves shackled to a
cashless system of economic control.”
a Pale Horse is a remarkable telling of an agenda that, if not
stopped, can mean the destruction of our country, its laws, and the
Constitution of the United States of America. What I have covered in
this article is just the tip of the iceberg, but . . . don't take my
word for it. Open your mind and eyes to the world around you and
make your own decision.
the President or Senate has authority or power
change, diminish, or destroy the Constitution
usurpation', treaty, or otherwise;
a Constitutional Amendment can lawfully change it.”
to another edition of Illustrangia, where we trudge through the
strange to illuminate the truth. In this issue, we will touch on the
reality of the universe and higher consciousness.
if I told you the universe is not what it seems? Your consciousness
perceives everything as it does, but does not reveal the underlying
truth. In an article titled “The Brain Does Not Create
Consciousness”, Dr. Eben Alexander describes “Consciousness is at
the core to unfolding all of reality.” Debbie West, writer of the
article states, “Supported by worldwide research that is now
delving into the concepts of string theory that involves a complete
reworking of our outdated and limited views of space/time means that
we are now entering a phase where science will greatly expand its
boundaries. The foundation of the research begins with the clear
understanding of the “Soul”, or conscious spirit, that exists
outside of the body and is eternal.” [1]
consciousness is not created by the brain, than it has to be received
by the brain, but where is consciousness kept? Could it be the
spiritual Akashic records, heaven, Elysium, or . . . perhaps it
something a lot more scientific than we think?
we be living in a holographic universe where the big bang is actually
a reformatting of the “hard drive” the information of the
universe is being stored? Could the universe be a program, created
more than 15 billion years ago and has been running ever since, just
to see how it will evolve? Who is running the program and observing
the results?
to another edition of Illustrangia, where we trudge through the
strange to illuminate the truth. In this issue, we will touch on a
burglary foiled by a ghost and roadside hauntings.
first story takes us to a small town in Thailand where a lieutenant
of the local police department was investigating a report of a
break-in. He entered the dark house, where he “uncovered evidence
that the burglar used gardening tools to pry open the front door [ .
. . ].”
lieutenant searched the entire two-story house and discovered it was
left in disarray. There was a bag left behind containing 30 baht
worth in gold (about $0.93 USD), and several valuables were brought
together as if the burglar prepared to take them although they were
left untouched.”
the owner of the house was contacted, who had gone to “Bangkok in
the morning to see her niece,” she rushed home and saw that only
“two items, a gold bracelet and a pair of gold earrings, were
stolen,” an estimated value of 50,000 baht ($1,550 USD).
the police took her statement, she said that she had “suspected the
burglar might have left in a hurry because of a possible encounter
with the ghost [ . . . ] of her late husband, who had died ten years
ago.” She also started that her husband was “thrifty and very
protective of his belongings.” She speculates “his spirit might
not have left the house in order to guard his belongings.”
have yet to identify or track down the burglar. [1]
this next story, there have been reports of ghostly apparitions of a
“young man running in front of cars [ . . . ] before disappearing
out of sight.” These reports come out of a town in South Wales and
saw “three motorists witness a shadowy figure run out in front of
driver saw a “young man in a red jacket run in front of the car and
then disappear into the rock face.”
did not collide with a person,” he said, “but just saw someone
literally run in front of me into the rock face. I was greatly
disturbed. It shook me up to be honest as I'm not a believer in such
motorist described their experience on the same stretch of road.
Four were in the car that night when the “driver and the front seat
passenger witnessed a man run in front of the vehicle and vanish into
the cliff opposite.”
was so quick,” the driver said, “but it was clearly a person. I
would say it was a man dressed
in flares (a type of pants that become wider at the bottom) and
a jacket, with longish blonde hair, like a surfer type. We stopped
and got out. The two girls in the back were really confused and
thought we were messing about, but something ran across the road and
vanished with a trace.”
to a local paranormal investigator, these types of occurrences have
been happening for decades, but “no one to date has been hurt and
that the ghostly young man does not pose a threat.” To date, there
have been over 45 accounts of the roadside apparition. [2]
are two cases that only goes to show that the other side exists . . .
you just have to believe.
you watch the bottom left corner at about 14 seconds in you will see
a small little girl run across the screen. This is one of many
sightings we have had in our home but the first video we got.
one and all to another edition of Illustrangia, where we trudge
through the strange to illuminate the truth. In this issue we will
touch on warnings, signs, and the new world order.
up is Eric Sprott, self-made billionaire and founder of Sprott, Inc.
He gave us a warning that amounted to “little more than a little
Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke.” According Sprott, no one
outside central banks is buying bonds, especially bonds with a
negative yield, and only the central banks are “holding up the
illusion.” They are the only ones buying the bonds, and if you
take the central banks out of the equation, the entire system, the
global economic system, will collapse.
doesn't help matters any that the Federal Reserve and other central
banks are manipulating the market, “rigging” it as a “complete
greatest danger,” said Sprott, “is that we are supporting a
levered banking system and everything they own in paper,” not
precious metals, i.e. gold. If people start taking their money out
of the local banks, the central banks will try to compensate them to
“keep [them] alive,” probably flooding more unbacked paper money
into the system.
there is any indication from the past – primarily from 2001 (the
collapse of the World Trade Center) and 2008 (the collapse of the
economy), which were shemitah years – the next event in 2015
(another shemitah year) could be “the mother of all collapses.”
the strengthening price of gold, one would think central banks would
once again use precious metals to back their currencies, but because
the “mainstream media has given up on the metals” leaving them
almost non-existent, this could be the “perfect setup for the start
of a new bull market” where we see share prices on the rise,
encouraging buying.
we may see “more bankruptcies before the new bull market starts.”
course, with gold on the rise and the central banks keeping bonds in
circulation, I wander if the new Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank
(AIIB) will use precious metals to back their currencies. Remember
all that gold China was buying a couple of years ago? Could the AIIB
be the reason? Or will the AIIB follow the modern standard and keep
those bonds circulating. One thing is certain, the U.S. is upset
this China-led bank is getting underway, and it doesn't help that our
allies are defecting to the new AIIB.
U.K., Germany, France, and Italy have applied to become members of
the foreign central bank, “defying U.S. calls for them to exercise
caution,” touting that “the AIIB's lending practice might not
meet governance or environment standards.” However, that claim was
just a trick to scare those countries from joining.
real reason Washington is concerned over “the creation of the
AIIB,” is that it will allow “the yuan to flourish [hitting] the
international standing of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve
currency of choice.”
U.S. has a budget deficit of $1 trillion a year and needs to “finance
its debt with borrowing.” If Washington can't get it done, “the
dollar will be dumped.” All rates will rise, hurting the economy,
and a “chain reaction will bring another round of financial
year in October, when the AIIB was created, China and the following
countries jumped on board: India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the
Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Kazakhstan,
Kuwait, Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Qatar, Sri Lanka,
Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. “China stated that it would hold a 50%
stake in the institution by pitching in $50 million.
economy is now “second in size only to the U.S.” They want to
“play a greater role in the international arena,” but the U.S.
had been blocking China so as not to lose control of their hold on
the world market. “The fact that its allies are deserting to join
the AIIB reflects the waning of Washington's influence.” [3]
mater which way you look at it, China's star is on the rise, while
Washington's dollar will take a hit, and the entire U.S. economy is
on the verge of collapse. Our allies are like rats abandoning a
sinking ship. Looks like the coming years for Americans are going to
be difficult ones, indeed . . . within the New World Order.
to another edition of Illustrangia, where we cautiously trudge
through the strange to illuminate the truth. In this issue, we will
touch on the Illuminati in pop culture, the reptilian bloodlines,
time travel, and things left behind.
you ever wondered how the Illuminati was connected to pop culture,
especially the music industry? We have seen the signs throughout the
years, but more recently, the secret society has been throwing it in
our faces and the general public misses it every single time.
for instance, Madonna's recent appearance at the Grammy Awards. She
and her dancers performed a ritual where devil horns figured
prominently. As a matter of fact, the entire audience was wearing
the horns as if completing the ritualistic performance. And yet,
Beyoncé, who is
considered the Queen of today's music industry, incorporates
Illuminati symbols and signs in almost everything she appears in,
including videos and album covers. Her better half, Jay-Z, is on the
top of the industry and a huge influencer of such symbolism. Some
would ever say the music mogul is the head of the Illuminati's music
industry sector.
Perry's 2015 Super Bowl performance was riddled with the secret
society's symbolism, but the general public noticed nothing out of
the ordinary. Kayne West and Kim Kardashian are also “considered
evil influences in society,” and sometimes the Illuminati prefers
there “leading ladies” to be blonde and blue-eyed. Makes you
wonder why Kim recently went platinum blonde. And speaking of blonde
and blue-eyed, even Taylor Swift, the “once goody girl who always
had her heart broken,” is slowly influencing her fans with bouts of
hatred and revenge, a persona of the Illuminati.
of these are examples of the secret society incorporating their
symbolism in to modern pop culture, heavily influencing today's
society with a sort of reptilian demeanor bringing us to the brink of
a savage new world order. [1]
course, we've all heard of the reptilian uprising and their quest to
conquer the world. But what about reptilians from another dimension
trying to possess our human bodies to obtain their goals? There is a
certain connection to these ethereal reptilians and the ritualistic
ceremonies of bloodlines that could very well be the heads of the
certain rituals take place – in-your-face performances like the
ones at the Grammy Awards or the Super Bowl – these reptilian
entities could be “manipulating our world [and] possessing human
bodies[ . . . ].” We are in a time of human development and a
vibrational change where this world will be “raised out of dense
physicality and return to where it once was. In doing so, the
reptilians' ability to manipulate our physical form will be removed,”
which is why they are desperate to control our world. They want to
get into our human forms, to exist, and the control our reality.
“Reptilians are addicted to the dense physical world” we have had
for millions of years.
world, which these savage entities cannot get enough of, is “caught
in a manufactured time loop, in which times is a circle, constantly
repeating itself. The pentagram of five-pointed star, so prevalent
in Satanism” – five triangles surrounding a pentagon, which is
more Illuminati symbolism – “is also symbolic of this unbroken
time cycle, the vibrational prison.” In Hopi tradition and Mayan
mythology, we learn that time comes in five different cycles before
the world cleanses itself and starts the cycles all over again. “The
period we are now experiencing has, therefore, been played out
we can break this time cycle, stop out of the hamster wheel, if you
will, then we can break out of the vibrational prison. There are
changes in this part of the Universe, which is why “control of
humans has tightened so rapidly.” They are doing everything in
their power to quell a prison riot by the “awakening” inmates.
reptilian entities have already “corrupted Earth DNA with their
own.” It is not active, but could be awakened at any time through
“vibrational fields generated by the Illuminati rituals [ . . . ]
like the carefully designed coronations and official ceremonies of
many kinds.” Again, the Grammy Awards and the Super Bowl come to
mind. “Once activated, the DNA opens the body to possession by
these reptilians.”
seen it time and time again with certain celebrities, “people who
are given jobs and roles that serve the Illuminati agenda.” A few
people who come to mind are Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Amanda
Bynes, and Miley Cyrus, who use to portray a platinum blonde in her
role as Hanna Montana, who more recently transformed her demeanor
right before our eyes. “Their DNA is [ . . . ] activated and they
go through a change of character.” Suspicions arose when Britney
Spears shaved her head, losing her golden locks of hair. Did she
want out of the Illuminati agenda?
we've seen it time and again, and the general public are blinded by
the glamor and luxury of celebrity. But some people are waking up to
the idea of this reptilian agenda, and questioning why others are
acting strangely and seeing events unfold that seems familiar, yet
unusually different. Remember, “the period we are now experiencing
has [ . . . ] been played out before,” and we are stuck in a time
loop, circling round and round until we make it stop. [2]
perhaps we, as a society, are perpetuating these events over and over
again without realizing it. Do we have some sort of time-travel
device, using it to go back in time to manipulate everything we
thought we knew, just to change it to something else?
to informants in national security, the “Department of Defense has
developed time travel technology” close to 50 years now, and they
are using Tesla-based teleportation technology, which was stolen by
the CIA upon his death. And believe it or not, “this technology is
used to cover military installations [ . . . ] in different
time-lines.” Can you imagine the possibilities? Building secret
bases in different realities and possibly developing technology far
ahead of our time could be the connection to today's UFO encounters.
former member of the U.S. armed forces, Michael Relfe, had spent “20
years helping maintain and expand one of the two or more U.S.
colonies on Mars.” According to Relfe, “Those bases served
strategic research and defense objectives and in order to preserve
their secrecy, they were built in the future.” Using Tesla
technology to time travel to the future, launch expeditions to Mars,
set up military bases on the red planet, and then travel back in time
to manipulate humanity with strategic knowledge? Who knows if our
past is a reality, or a construct to control the masses?
serving 20 years on the permanent team at the Mars colony,” Relfe
said, “[I] was age-reversed and sent back in time.”
the government will stop at nothing for their research. They would
train school children to “become the first generation of
time-explorers [because] they were considered ideal candidates due to
their clear minds and lack of experience.” Some adults going on
these journeys would go insane after so many jumps, while the
children had “little former experiences and beliefs that could
drive them mad.”
political control would also be off the charts. Time-travelers, or
in this case, time-influencers could use this technology to tell
persons of interest about “the roles they were to play in the
future, [people like] George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were
informed of their future presidencies.”
think about this . . . back in the early 1970's, members of national
security “viewed images from the attack on the Twin Towers in
September 11, 2001. They had been obtained from the future and
brought back for analysis.” Do you realize the U.S. government
already knew about 9/11 thirty years ago? [3]
all sounds like science-fiction/fantasy mumbo-jumbo. And, trust me,
I'm doubting the whole time-travel idea as I'm writing this. But the
next segment is going to put all doubts to rest.
an article title “Objects Left Behind By Time-Travelers”, we are
given hard evidence that advanced time-travelers have visited the
past. Take, for instance, a piece of coal discovered by a man in
Russia, which he used to light a fire. When he broke the coal in
two, he found a fragment of a tooth wheel that was made from almost
pure aluminum. “Aluminum this pure does not form naturally and
humans started making it on a large scale in 1854.” Scientists
looked at it and determined it was artificially made, “they carbon
dated it and found it was 300 million years old.”
Hundred. Million. Years. Old.
let this sink in for a little bit.
another part of Russia, researchers on an expedition in search of
fragments of asteroids and meteorites had found an artifact that
“still has everyone scratching their heads.” After a little
cleaning, the artifact was found to be a bolt embedded in a rock.
The researchers took it to geologists who “estimated the age of the
rock at around 320-300 million years old.”
next artifact was found in Romania; “A wedge-shaped object, about 8
inches long, 5 inches wide, and weighing around 5 pounds.” When it
was sent for analysis, the results stated that “the object was made
from an aluminum alloy that also contained copper, silicon, zinc,
lead, tin, zirconium, and cadmium. It was discovered together with
the ancient bones of a mastodon that had been dated at 11,000 years
old.” and was what aeronautical engineers said looked like “the
foot of a landing gear.” Could Enoch have been right so many years
Austria, 1885, an object “embedded in a block of coal dating [ . .
. ] 65.5 to 2.6 million years ago [ . . . ] was made from a
steel-nickel alloy and its shape suggested that it was machine-made.”
The cube-shaped object was “composed of a type of forged iron,”
which begs the question, “who had the technology to forge iron
millions of years ago?”
final artifact was found in California. A gem shop owner cracked
open a geode and, instead of finding a gem, he discovered “the
remains of a mechanical device that resembled a spark plug.” The
center of the rock contained a “soft unidentifiable substance in
the middle of which was a porcelain cylinder circled by rings of
copper. At the center of the cylinder was a shaft made of bright and
magnetic metal.” The rock was analyzed being “at least 500,000
years old.” [4]
finding an artifact embedded in a piece of coal or rock dating back
millions of years, something that could have been lost by
time-travelers that had a mission from some reptilian bureaucrats,
who are a part of a secret society performing rituals to activate an
merged DNA sequence that would manipulate the was we think and act.
What if the Illuminati had some kind of time travel device, went back
in time, and integrated their reptilian DNA with ours, perpetuating
their bloodlines? Strange, but plausible.
Welcome once again
to another issue of Illustrangia, where we cautiously trudge through
the strange to illuminate the truth. In this issue, we'll discuss
the people's candidate, the death of the Internet, JFK and his
connection with UFOs, the government's most secretive agency, and the
FBI stopping their own terror plots.
When Scott
Walker, Republican Governor of Wisconsin, took the stage, he got his
point across despite the rising protesters voices. “Here in
America there is a reason we celebrate the Fourth of July and not
April 15th,” Walker said. “Because in America, we
celebrate our Independence from the government, not our dependence on
it.” He continued over the growing roar of protesters. “Those
voices cannot drown out the millions of Americans who want us to
stand up for the hardworking taxpayers.”
His message is
one of independence from Big Government and the need to vote out the
elected would would redistribute wealth, raise taxes we shouldn't
even be getting, the dangers of Obamacare, and catering to illegal
aliens while ignoring those Vets coming home from war.
When Obama was
campaigning for the position of President, he promised the American
people CHANGE. And he kept to his promise, but the change we were
looking for was not what everyone was expecting. “He brought us
bigger government and onerous taxes.” If nothing is done by us, WE
THE PEOPLE, if we continue to live with our heads in the sand, if we
don't elect the stagnant incumbent officials out of office, we, as a
country, will collapse like the Soviet Union in 1991. [1]
The collapse of
this country could slowly be followed by the collapse of the Internet
and the information flow we are familiar with. The Federal
Communications Commission (FCC), which is a NON-elected
federal government agency, voted on how the Internet is going to be
regulated. Yes, net neutrality passed on a vote of three-to-two, but
they also voted on a 300-page document detailing how the Internet
would be affected in the long run. Only one other agency was allowed
to see the document, Google, which they tweaked – probably to their
advantage – before the historic vote was cast.
When is a
non-elected federal government agency allowed to vote on our freedom?
Think about it . . . the Internet is a communication device, which
allows us to express ourselves. The founding fathers gave us the
Constitution of the United States and the freedom to speak. Is this
The FCC now
“claims the power to regulate the Internet” without “the vote
of Congress, the people's branch of the government.” Yes, net
neutrality was passed, but at what cost? Will we lose our freedom to
speak our minds? Will information coming in from around the world be
slowly filtered out to the point of disinformation? Will the FCC
deliberately regulate the Internet so much so that it'll make North
Korea seem like a free country? [1]
And perhaps
even information about UFOs and conspiracies will be phased out
altogether, information like the genuine interest John F. Kennedy had
in UFOs and how this may have played a role in his assassination.
And it seems more of the general public are opening up to this
During his term
in office, Kennedy tried “a number of different initiatives to gain
access to classified UFO files.” The CIA knew he was interested
and kept that secret out of the public eye, but through the Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA), we learned that the former president's
knowledge of UFOs “played a key role in his interest in gaining
access to [those] classified UFO files.”
Kennedy didn't
keep this information to himself, though, sharing some of the secrets
with Marilyn Monroe. “Monroe's estrangement from Kennedy and
attempt to reveal his UFO secrets through a planned press conference
is claimed to have played a direct role in her August 1962 death.”
interest in UFOs also led to a space cooperation initiative with the
USSR. “When it became clear […] that Kennedy might succeed, a
secret assassination directive called 'Project Environment' was
implemented by the head of the CIA's counter-intelligence division.
Ten days later, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.” [2]
secret interest in UFOs, or the CIA's secret assassination directive
aren't the only secrets being kept from the public. The
Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) first administrator under
President Obama, Lisa Jackson, sent out a memo to all employees of
the EPA, which was called the “fishbowl memo”. The memo states:
"The American people will not trust us to protect their health or
their environment if they do not trust us to be transparent and
inclusive in our decision-making. To earn this trust, we must
conduct business with the public openly and fairly."
Not long after the
new President was sworn in with promises of transparency – the
standard criterion of which his administration thrived for – the
“fishbowl memo” was written with transparency in mind. However,
along with the rest of Obama's administration, Jackson was not so
transparent, having used “phony email identities, blocked access to
information from the press and Congress, destroyed government
records, refused to disclose data used to justify regulation, and
misinformed human test subjects. A federal judge even call the
agency's excuses 'implausible'.”
Secrets abound
as the EPA withholds information from the public. “Working to
increase transparency at EPA is a major priority,” said EPW Committee member Sen. David Vitter, R-La., “especially considering
how little the Obama EPA is willing to share with Congress and the
American public, and also what great lengths they go hiding their
With the EPA
destroying records, whether hard copy papers or deleting digital
information, they are still involved in criminal activity, which
could carry a sentence of up to three years in prison. “The
destruction of records is a criminal offense, a felony […].” The
EPA is violating FOIA, which requires the government to “provide
documents to the public upon request.”
A ruling
against Gina McCarthy, who replaced Lisa Jackson as agency chief, and
the EPA concerning a FOIA lawsuit “over the missing 5,932 text
messages of McCarthy from 2009 to 2012 […].” Of course, a
spokeswoman said that the EPA was “not aware of any evidence that
federal records [had] been lawfully destroyed.”
In the eyes of
the EPA officials, “text messages are inherently unlikely to
qualify for preservation as a federal records.” However,
government text messages are just as valid as memos, letters, and
emails, and are “subject to open records laws.” If they weren't,
they “every time government officials want to hid written
communications, they would simply text one another.” Is this
unconstitutional? Once again . . . secrets. [3]
Another example
of disinformation, or withholding information, comes in the form of
the FBI. Every day, we hear of schemes of domestic terrorism with
the nation's top federal law enforcement agency coming to the rescue
and managing to thwart the terrorists. But, what about a plan of
domestic terrorism that is self-made?
Recently, the
Justice Department released a statement which claimed, “the Joint
Terrorism Task Force has arrested a Cincinnati-area man from a plot
to attack the U.S. Capitol and kill government officials.”
Cincinnati-area man was Christopher Cornell, an unemployed
20-year-old still living at home, who “spends the bulk of his time
playing video games in his bedroom, still calls his mother 'mommy',
and considers his cat his best friend.” he was considered quiet
and kept to himself, but being a loner doesn't make one a terrorist,
does it?
The FBI was
tipped off by an “informant” who, conveniently, wishes to be
unnamed and “began cooperating with the [agency] in order to obtain
favorable treatment with respect to his criminal exposure on an
unrelated case.” Cover up?
members” of Cornell's said the young man converted to Islam about
six months ago and “claimed he began attending a small local
mosque.” But when members of that mosque were questioned about
Cornell, they noted that “a young, white, recent convert would have
been quite conspicuous at a mosque largely populated by 'immigrants
from West Africa', many of whom 'speak little or no English'.”
Is this a
situation where the FBI “literally [creates] terrorist cases out of
thin air”? Or is this information another example of . . . the
illusion of transparency? [4]