Monday, December 29, 2014

Vol. 1, Issue 4 - The Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Guidestones

A Brief History

“The Georgia Guidestones is a granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A message clearly conveying a set of ten guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.

“The structure is sometimes referred to as an "American Stonehenge". The monument is 19 feet 3 inches tall, made from six granite slabs weighing 237,746 pounds in all. One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides some notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones.

“In June 1979, an unknown person or persons under the pseudonym R. C. Christian hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the structure.”  [1]

The top most guideline, or rule, of the Guidestones is “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”

A Population of 500 Million Worldwide

Currently, Earth is home to 7.2 billion people, with the numbers at a consistent rising rate.  [2]  In order for this guidestone rule to mean anything, at least 6.7 billion people have to be eliminated from the face of the planet. That's 93% of the world's population.

According to some websites, “the population of North America is projected to reach an estimate of 533,215,000 in the year 2014.” Just for the sake of argument, let's say the guidestone rule of 500 million was divided evenly among the seven continents. That's roughly 71.4 million people per continent. Obviously, this is an unrealistic calculation considering there are more people in other parts of the world (like India and China) than others, but for the sake of this exercise, let's just keep this simple.

71.4 Million People Per Continent

In order for the Georgia Guidestones first rule of keeping and maintaining humanity under 500 million, over 461 million people in North America alone need to be eliminated. That's 86% of the North American population, from the northern tip of Greenland to the southern end of Panama . . . gone.

The guidestones were built in 1979 with one minor flaw, there was a square notch in the corner of the English language stone. But for what purpose? On September 2014, a granite cube inscribed with the numbers "20" and "14" had been installed in that square notch. What does this mean? Unfortunately, the cube was removed and destroyed, but not before journalists could get a glimpse of it, which showed additional markings of "8", "16", "MM" and "JAM".

Could 2014 be the start of an agenda for world population control? Perhaps we'll see something more profound, like an alien invasion, martial law FEMA camps, or the beginning of WWIII.

  1. Georgia Guidestones
  2. WorldMeters

Today's Featured Video

The Georgia Guidestones
Have Officially Been Updated
with the Year 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Vol. 1, Issue 3 - Could The Proposed Seven Year Cycle of Financial Collapse Be a Reality?

OPEC keeps producing oil, but hardly anyone is buying. The U.S. has it's shale production and a lot of OPEC's oil in reserve. This all leads to driving prices “below $60 a barrel.” According to Randy Frederick, managing director of trading and derivatives with the Schwab Center for Financial Research, “The slide in oil has been pretty dramatic. There is an overreaction to these lower energy prices, which is what we seem to be seeing right now, where it becomes more panic selling.” With America investing most of their energy in shale, they hadn't had to import as much oil, “which has eased the price of gas around the world.” Of course, Saudi Arabia is hoping to drive the price of oil so low that “American producers in the newly drilled shale basins aren't making any money,” in turn, “giving Saudi Arabia back its position as the world oil leader.” Of course, it's not helping the stock market now that Americans aren't spending as much at the gas pumps. “It's been a while since we've has an official recession, and cyclically, we are due,” which is interesting considering we're in a Shemitah year (which I will explain in another article). [1]

Oil prices falling, and a panic is spreading in the financial markets. Events that took place seven years ago leading up to the financial collapse of 2008 are happening again. “What we witnessed last week [in the market] is being described as 'a bloodbath' that was truly global in scope.” Everyone around the world is feeling the effects of the dropping oil prices. A lot is happening in the financial district that seems to be occurring every seven years, and it appears that Jonathan Cahn was correct about this cycle (again, I will explain in another article). [2]

With the financial markets in an uproar and bracing for the worst, “the Treasury Department is looking to buy survival kits for all of its employees who are proprietors of the federal banking system, according to a new government solicitation posted online.” Really? If that's the case and the government knows something big is coming, where do we get our survival kits? If the government is willing to spend... wait for it... $200,000 on the kits, why not spend a little extra money and give people like us the chance to buy these kits, and they might still make some of their money back. The kits include very specific items, like an “Air-Aid emergency mask” to help the wearer guard against airborne viruses. What the hell do they know and why aren't they telling us? [3]

It's all about oil this week, and with the prices dropping and crippling western sanctions, Russia's economy is headed toward a major crisis. Of course, some speculate, or may insinuate a conspiracy theory, that the U.S. is in some sort of secret war with Russia as “part of a plot to drive the Russian economy to the brink of collapse.” Chaotic scenes witnessed by retailers and currency exchanges has locals scrambling to “buy up imported goods and to swap out their fast-depreciating rubles for dollars and euros.” The theory behind all this, which locals have equated to an “economic war”, is that “the U.S. And Saudi Arabia are colluding to keep [oil] production artificially high in a bid to drive the price down.” Some people are asking if the U.S. is helping with driving down the prices of oil as a ploy to harm Russia, or even Iran with their ISIL people. Is there a conspiracy here, or is there just a coincidence at work, or... is there some otherworldly explanation? [4]


Today's Featured Video:

Illuminati 2015: Predictions!!

We must reach mass awareness!


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Vol. 1, Issue 2 - Can the United States Overcome Adversity to Be Great Once Again, or Will We See Our Fall?

“According to the U.S. Government, the American economy grew at an astounding 3.8% last quarter, signaling to many that the recession responsible for wiping out trillions in wealth and millions of jobs over the last six years is finally over.” That quote alone should send shivers down your spine. If the economy was on the up-and-up, we should be seeing less unemployment, less homeless, and more “stimulation” of the economy. With the Christmas season upon us, we should have seen Black Friday sales hit the roof and beyond, but we didn't. Not many companies are hiring, and we're seeing more lay-offs. It's almost like someone has been manipulating the numbers to make it seem like we, as a country, are doing better than people realize. According to John Williams, an economist, “If these official numbers are true, then what we have is the strongest American economy in 11 years.” I mean, if you think about it, America showing off numbers that are not true only show a weakness to others outside of the United States, which only shows that we are in trouble. [1]

Martin Armstrong was a man put in prison without any charges, any indictments, or any trials. They locked him and threw away the key. Why? Because he created a computer model that accurately predicted the outcomes of the Savings and Loan crash of 1987, the collapse of the Japanese economy, the Russian Ruble, the dot-com bubble, and the 2008 global economic crash. He is now free, out of prison, and he heads his own website; Armstrong Economics. Armstrong has predicted a “massive global paradigm shift”, which he made in 1985. His most recent post, “Big Bang 2015.75” warned that, “while unlikely, whatever is coming will be so significant that a Mad Max Event is possible.” If what he said is true in any manner, and the man had made some mighty hefty predictions in the past, then the Fall of 2015 is going to be a big one for the stock market. [2]

A tech-trend of RFID microchips are being implanted into a few volunteers. The idea is, with “dozens of hard-to-remember passwords, payments, and transactions,” the chip will make things a little easier for the common man. However, do we, as human beings, really want to commit to a future where everything on your person is being monitored? Today, about 2,000 people have been “chipped, and their number is growing.” The information being stored in these microchips could be as dangerous as leaving the keys to your house laying out on the front porch. What's to stop a hacker from gaining access to that information? The NFC, or near-field communications, chip uses the same technology “built into the Apple Pay digital payment system and numerous Android devices.” Just ask yourself, when is this tech-trend going to escalate to the point of must-have, and then ultimately mandated by the government? [3]

Many people consider that believing in a “New World Order” is a conspiratory way of thinking. Everything from the assassination of JFK to the bombing of the World Trade Center on September 11 was secretly devised by a group of Zionists. “Through the enterprises of banking, energy, healthcare, democracy, education, and corporate & social organizations they have been the unseen hand guiding the world.” Secrets kept from the general public behind closed doors is information that makes us believe in conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, the truth is more in the realm of actual conspiracies than in the realm of theories, and this is also a battle between good and evil. Evil will have you believe transitioning over to the New World Order is actually a good thing. Take these examples, for instance: A satanic group out of New York had sent “a coloring book and other literature to a Florida school district and asked the materials be added to its distribution lists,” also, in Oklahoma City, a satanic group “commissioned a statue of the devil” and wanted it placed on the Statehouse lawn, all in the name of equality and the rights of freedom. Not to mention the satanic symbolism on a can of Monster energy drink. “It should not sound crazy to a believer that there are people that work for [evil] desiring unlimited amounts of power and control given to them by helping [evil] set up as the one to be worshiped.” [4]

Today's Featured Video:

Benjamin Fulford's Urgent Message To All !!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Vol. 1, Issue 1 - Are Spy Planes Being Used to Block ISP Sites via Wi-Fi?

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Illustrangia Magica where we cover the unusual, the strange, the weird, and the mysterious.

Our story starts in 1964, Palo Alto, California. The U.S. Department of Energy “was building a two mile long underground linear particle accelerator” costing the government $114 million - - “the modern-day equivalent of $873 million.” Almost a billion dollars in today' money just to hurl an electron “through the dime-sized bore until they attain[ed] a 'muzzle velocity' barely short of the speed of light.” When this thing was built, “the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) was the most advanced physics instrument in the known universe.” Back then, scientists expected to “learn more about recently discovered particles of matter.” Along with the Large Hadran Collider (LHC), SLAC is still in use today. [1]

Flash forward to today . . . Just recently, one hundred brains went missing from the Norman Hackerman building on the University of Texas campus. One of the brains was said to belong to Charles Whitman, “the man responsible for the deadly UT tower shooting in 1966.” Now, you have to ask yourself, why would they keep so many brains on stock, especially his brain? I could understand if they wanted to study it and maybe find out how the man thought, but, let's face it, we are just now figuring out how to connect two brains together in two different countries, sending thought texts via Wi-Fi. Why would they want a brain of a mass murderer? Perhaps they were running tests to create the perfect super soldier, or could these brains have been the initial phase of that “thought text” Wi-Fi connection? No matter the theory, the University of Texas knows what happened to the brains; they were destroyed because “they were in such poor condition.” [2]

Meanwhile, in East Africa . . . a mysterious plane which belonged to NASA was spotted in their airspace. Jim Alexander, a NASA official, said, “I really cannot give you any of the details. You know the airplane was there, you see it in the picture. But I really can't tell you what it was for.” The plane in question was a broad-winged white plane named WB-57. So, Mr. Alexander couldn't tell us because he didn't know, or because he was sworn to secrecy? [3]

Speaking of secrecy . . . The government is using a blocking technique via your ISP to block out certain news sites. Sounds like the government is trying to get their propaganda out before any of the alternative news sites can report on any major events. And if they can use this technique to block certain news sites, imagine what they can do to certain social media outlets like Facebook or Google Plus. What “major event” could the government be withholding from the rest of us until it is released to the mainstream media? Despite all the theories proposed, one detail widely reported is that “the U.S. State Department put out a bid for 160,000 hazmat suits.” What major event could these hazmat suits be used? And with the recent Ebola scare . . . Just saying. [4]


Today's Featured Video

Dying Ex-CIA Worker Comes Forward About Area 51 & Aliens